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Thank You, Next

Posted by jennifer gibson on Sunday, January 10, 2021, In : 2021 

I think that I speak for a lot of people that 2020 was an incredibly challenging year, more so for those of us with disabilities. As a deaf person being taken to the ER twelve times in a single year, I learned very quickly that hospitals are not very accommodating to patients like me since I rely on lip-reading, observing facial expressions and body language. Due to COVID, that changed the way I could understand the paramedics and medical staff since masks covered their faces and muffled thei...

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Fab Five - Love Yourself

Posted by jennifer gibson on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, In : August 2019 

I’m sitting on the rooftop on a hot summer day, battling a bad cold and reading a new book by the Fab Five called “Queer Eye - Love Yourself”. Funnily enough, I've been seeing a lot of endorsement about loving ourselves which is a big sign for me since it’s also in many of BTS’s songs and videos. That’s saying something.

If you get a chance to peruse the book, grab it! It’s a worthwhile read with lots of fabulous advice and features an introspective look into the live...

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